Tim Sykes's DVDs Review

As a member of the Tim Sykes Millionaire Challenge I received all of Tim's DVD's to date. While I've yet to watch them all, I'll post the reviews of those that I've already watched here and will update this page as soon as I finish the others left.

  • PennyStocking : This is the first of Tim Sykes's DVDs. It explains how he became a millionaire and his main strategy: buying breakouts and shorting pump & dumps.
  • PennyStocking Part Deux:If what you want is to learn Tim Sykes's Strategy, this is the DVD you MUST get!. It covers pretty much the same patterns as in it's last DVD but with much more insight and more examples. Don't think of it as a second part, but as the previous DVD enhanced! Shorting Pump & Dumps/Supernovas and buying Breakouts, these are the main strategies that made Tim Sykes a millionaire, and they are perfectly explained here.
  • The New Rules of PennyStocking: This is one of the DVD's that I liked the most. The New Rules of Penny Stocking" is an 18+ hour recording of Tim's 2010 conference in Las Vegas. The conference hosted 13 excellent speakers, including Tim himself speaking for 7 hours and a penny stock promoter exposing how pumps and dumps operate for  over 3 hours. There has never been any stock trading conferences with such a wide variety of speakers, all of whom were willing to share their experience, lessons and what gives them an "edge" to reap profits year in and year out. The most important lesson I learned from this DVD, is the multiple succesful strategies that exist in the trading world, and just like playing a sport, you must find that one that you feel comfortable with and get better at it.
  • PennyStocking Framework: This DVD covers the 4th annual Pennystocking Conference, where Tim Sykes explains his 7 step or 7 patterns that he uses to find profitable trades. It also includes the talks of the other speakers at the conference. This DVD is great to improve you trading skills, as it shows you the 7 main patterns that Tim Sykes looks for.

      More DVD reviews soon!
